Welcome to the NEST

the Tools for Transition & Work: Neurodiverse Education Success Training program is designed to be a comprehensive resource supporting the educational success of neurodiverse college students. This program serves students, parents, educators, and administrators, providing essential tools and techniques to facilitate success for all students, recognizing that everyone sees the world through a unique lens.

The Neurodiverse Educational Success Training website and affiliated resources are a free service provided by the Tools for Transition & Work Program at Foothill College. These resources have been created by Benjamin Kaupp, MAT, M.Sp.Ed as part of the requirements for a doctoral program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education.

Start by reading a bit about the theories and language that guide this resource. Once you're ready:

Pick the category with which you most closely align, or feel free to browse around!

Get in touch: ben@ttwnest.org